It is only In this part of the world, most people believe okra should be prepared only as soup and can only be eaten with a swallow, and if not so then you are weird, and probably come from a different planet.
Being ignorant of varieties of food and how different countries consume a particular plant is doing alot of us dirty.
I think we are forgetting that the world does not contain the African continent alone and neither is okra created to be consumed by not only Africans as soup.
A lot of us are just ignorant about food and can't even define what we eat reasons why we are so rigid to a particular way of doing something is that we grew up to see okra being prepared as a soup.
Just know okra is a fruit and can be prepared as a vegetable.
Ever growing up I dislike okra soup I hate drawl soups. The only way you can get me to eat okra soup is when it has been spent 2 to 3 days after being prepared, by then I believed it won't be slimming again.
But things change after I became a chef and start studying plants, animals, and nature. chemicals contained in some plants and what lead to certain reactions and changes, I came to realize my problem is not with the okra itself but the slimness and I was ignorant at that time to know okra is a vegetable and therefore can be prepared in a different ways
Have you ever broken open an aloe vera or cactus leaf? That familiar-looking "goo" is called mucilage, which plays a role in water storage and food for the plant. Okra pods have a high concentration of mucilage. (gum)
The okra pods contain long-chain sugars and proteins with sugars attached (polysaccharides and glycoproteins). Every plant has these, but okra pods and leaves are especially rich in them.
When the pod is cooked, the long chain molecules dissolve into the water and twine about each other. This forms mucilage, which has a slimy texture.
so in other words when you add water to cook okra more the #mucilage is released which results in slimness.
I fell in love with okra ever since I develop a pattern on how to stir fry it and get rid of the sliminess I also do prepare it for my white and Indian guys twice every week as a vegetable to eat with rice.
the American and Asian guys also do stir fry okra, as a vegetable to accompany any dish.
Amarachi juliet osondu
5 months agoThank you for the information,i love okra soup